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Vision & Mission – a clean Ganga chain, facilitated by The Centre

” Public – private partnerships between Indian and Dutch parties will significantly impact a clean Ganga and surroundings for her first 225 km’s as the start of a clean waterfront moving downstream. The partnerships will encompass innovative projects along that route as a chain of water and waste interventions building upon each other. We are convinced that those projects and interventions must be facilitated by an Indian – Dutch Centre of Expertise & Entrepreneurship. Our strategy is based on fulfilment of the SDG’s.”



The Centre in the state of Uttarakhand in the area Rishikesh – Roorkee – Haridwar will become the cornerstone to achieve and maintain significant improvements in the water quality and water situation of and near the Ganga. This through Indian – Dutch collaborations in education, research & development programs and in field projects (execution and implementation in practice), the areas of interest are:

    • River cleaning
    • Water storage & retention
    • Drinking water processing & distribution
    • Sanitation & sewage infrastructure
    • Waste water processing
    • Landfill cleaning
    • Solid waste processing

An integrated approach is a condition for long-term guaranteed impact. It will demonstrate the power of Indian – Dutch collaboration: advanced technical knowledge, entrepreneurship, hands-on mentality and faith leading to action with the SDG’s as strategy. Overall a Digital Platform will keep track and give an insight to all water and waste related programs and projects in this part of the Ganga.



We wish to know the view on such a Centre of certain stakeholders that could contribute to and benefit from The Centre. These are:

    • Uttarakhand regional/ local governments and communities
    • Indian and Dutch industrial companies and SME’s
    • Indian and Dutch education and research institutes
    • Indian and Dutch governmental organisations

Specifically, we would like to know which stakeholders can help to create The Centre, run specific services and projects through The Centre, act as clients for services from The Centre or otherwise help to create and stimulate the functioning of The Centre. See the partner search question list.



Identifying the required partners for The Centre and defining the proper role, form and location of The Centre is a delicate operation, which is at this moment the main challenge for Rishikesh Upstream.NL.

At the same time, we are convinced that by connecting projects and policies aiming to improve the water and waste situation will make them more effective and will lead to long term sustainable solutions.